It is an Ayurvedic medicine in the form of decoction. It is used in treatment of fevers and infections associated with burning sensation, excessive thirst, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.
- It is used in fever associated with burning sensation caused by various infections.
- It can be used in excess of thirst, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.
- It can be used in the treatment of hyperacidity, gastritis, acid reflux and heartburn or sour belching’s.
- It is very good remedy for liver diseases. It improves the functioning of liver and kidney.
- It is very helpful in curing the ankle pain with soreness and checks the burning feet syndrome and Dyasthesia.
- Guduchyadi kashayam can be good medicine for skin disorders which also helps in treating the conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis, and allergic conditions.
- Guduchi ( indian tinospora)
- Dhanyaka(coriander seeds)
- Nimba( azadiracta indica)
- Raktachandan(pterocarpus santalinus)
- Padmaka(Prunus cerasoides)
Medicinal Properties:
- Antipyretic
- Aam pachak
- Anti-ulcerogenic
- Depurative (purifies blood)
- Antacid
- Immunomodulatory
- Antimicrobial
Dosage and Administration:
Guduchyadi kashayam is available in churna (powder), liquid and tablet forms
Tablets: 2 tablets twice a day preferably half hour before meals.
Powder: Kashayam can be made with the 1:16 ratio of churna and water and should be reduced to 1/8th of the quantity.
Liquid: 10-15ml mixed with 60ml of warm water before generally before 30 min of breakfast and Dinner.
Safety profile:
Generally this preparation is safe in recommended dosage from Ayurveda physician. No side effects have been observed, it is best to avoid in pregnancy and can be taken in breast feeding if advised by an Ayurveda physician.