Shatavari Gulam is a “Best tonic for women”. It is used to treat wide range of gynaecological problems in females. It is a semisolid or paste form of Ayurvedic formulation mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic text Sahasra Yoga Leha Prakarana 7.

Benefits and Uses
- It strengthens the uterus and improves the functioning of ovary by regulating the Ovulation naturally and hence it is used to treat female Infertility
- It is used in abnormal bleeding disorders like Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia and Dysmenorrhoea (painful menses) and leucorrhoea.
- It is a used to successfully treat conditions like PCOD and PCOS and irregular menses.
- It can be used to treat many urinary problems like Urinary tract infections and dysuria. It can be good option for treating the kidney stones containing Oxalates.
- It can also be used in liver complications like jaundice.
- It’s used in chronic digestive ailments to treat burning sensation in stomach.
- It a best galactagogue hence it is used in lactating women after the delivery.
- It can be used to increase the weight in much debilitated people with weakness of any age.
- In menopausal age it can be used in place of hormonal treatment as it is a natural phytoestrogen.
- Estrogenic
- Hematinic
- Muscle strengthening.
- Antioxidant
- Galactagogue
- Anti-ulcerogenic
- Diuretic
- Antidepressant
Main ingredients and Preparation:
First, jaggery, ghee and juice of shatavari are boiled.
To this, small quantities of herbs known as Prakshepa Dravyas are added which includes Madhuka, Vetiver, Gokshura , Sariva, Vidari, Shilajit, Vamshlochana.
10gms preferably with cow’s milk /warm water or honey. To be taken once or twice a day, before or after the meals or on advice of your ayurvedic physician.
Below age of 5yr – 1-2 gms preferably with cow’s milk or honey. To be taken once or twice a day.
5-12 yrs – 2 to 5 gms preferably with cow’s milk or honey. To be taken once or twice a day.
To Avoid:
- Fried and greasy foods
- Items made with yogurt
- Refined floor
- Canned and processed food
To include:
- Light easily digestible vegetarian meals
- Freshly made soups.