Gulma/Granthi/Tumour | |
DetailsGulma means Deep – rooted adherent nature. Gulma is so called because it has its root in confounded, Vaayu, originates from deep source like a shrub
Cause Types: Granthi (Benign Tumors)Kapha plays the predominant role as it enters the affected dhatus. The most common dhatus affected are medas, mamsa, and rakta TypesThere is one caused by each dosha, and six categorized by the tissue that is vitiated. These tissues are: rakta, mamsa, medas, asthi, sira (vein) and Vrana (ulcer). Other authors have added additional types such as nadi dhatuja, lasika granthi, lasika vahini, and tilaja. | |
Treatment Case Study
Treatment Vata Gulma anuvasana basti(Enema) if the tumor is below the umbilicus. Pitta Gulma bitter medicated ghee Kapha Gulma fasting and the practice of vamana Rakta Gulma oleation(body massage) and fomentation followed by purgation | |
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