The incidence of life style diseases like hypertension diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and overweight/obesity associated with cardio vascular diseases is high on the rise. Arthritis and insomnia are some others to name.

 Life style diseases are nothing but the diseases due to unhealthy lifestyle and are the outcome of the way we lead our lives. Ayurveda is the foremost science of life describes the ways to prevent and better manage the life style disorders the world is being attracted towards ayurveda provides better solution in the form of proper dietary, life style advice dinacharya (daily) routine, seasonal routine, and sadvritta (ideal routine), Achar Rasayan (code of conduct) along with Panchakarma (Bio purification) procedures for therapies Ayurveda focuses on treating mentally, physically and as well as spiritually.

Most commonly, unhealthy food, energy drinks, artificial sweetness and  fast foods, sedentary lives smoking, alcohol, stress, poor sleeping habits, so called modern living habits making it worse to heal them. Poor exposure to sunlight, work and fresh air, the nature, duration, and amount of work, time we spend with the loved ones and the physical activities are the factors that decide on how soon you are likely to land up in any one of lifestyle disorders.

The lifestyle diseases will appear in life usually between 35-50 years of age when the impact of one’s lifestyle is visible and causing sustained imbalance in metabolic modalities. Basics of imbalance will be excessive and continuous.

  • Aahar – Aahar has been important aspect of tridents (celibacy) in ayurvedic diet  is vital for human body wholesome diet is crucial for maintaining  the daily requirement of nutrients, Ayurveda also describes 18types of dietary incompatibilities( viruddha Aahar)which should be avoided to health and longevity.
  • Dinacharya – Normal circadian rhythms are very important in day life to maintain biological clock.
    • To begin with day with the awareness and early rising avoiding suppression of natural urges and eliminates wastes as per urges keep the teeth and skin clean.
    • abhyang (oil massage)
    • Regular bathing (bathing enhances the appetite).
    • Anjan (Putting medicated collyrium
    • Consuming the suitable diet according to appetite and doshas.
  • Rutucharya (seasonal routine) – It represents a very important role of preventive aspect, which can be achieved by the modification in Diet and lifestyle in response to the changes in climatic conditions. It advises seasonal Panchakarma (Bio-purificatory measures).
  • Panchakarma is a collective term to describe the procedures of bio purification, they cleanse the body channels ,and to eliminate toxins out of the body brings about the vata, pitta and kapha these will establish the long lasting chemical balance in body as well as in mind and helps to restore ultimate homeostasis and promotes good psychosomatic health. Following are the five main procedures of it.
    • Vaman (therapeutic emesis)
    • Virechan (therapeutic purgation)
    • Nasya(dropping of medicated oil/ghee into nostrils)
    • Basti (Therapeutic enema)
    • Raktamokshana (bloodletting)
  • Rasayana –
    • Sadvritta and Achar rasayana – Ayurveda offers some code of good conduct under the heading of sadvritta. Achar rasayana can be categorizes into personal such as limited sexual activities, early to bed and rise, excess exertion, avoiding suppression of natural urges, bath regimen, skin health. Socially keeping mercy on others, avoiding alcohol, being soft hearted, always using clean washed clothes. Such changes in lifestyle adaptation will always be helpful in prevention and management of wide range of lifestyle disorders.